Service Records of John O'Brien, RN

Bart O'Brien ( provided these scans of his father's service record in the Royal Navy, between 1917 and 1945. Though most dates are well past the Great War era, the type of information captured is typical of our period of interest.
John O'Brien
Age 19 in 1921, taken in a photographer's studio in Malta
John O'Brien
Last days in the Navy: Portsmouth, 1945
Service Record
Service Record - page 1
(click for an enlargement)
Service Record
page 2
(click for an enlargement)
Service Record
page 3
(click for an enlargement)
Service Record
page 4
(click for an enlargement)
Education Certificate
Certificate for the Education Test, 1922
(click for an enlargement)
Gunnery History
Gunnery History - page 1
(click for an enlargement)
Gunnery History
page 2
(click for an enlargement)
Gunnery History
page 3
(click for an enlargement)
Gunnery History
page 4
(click for an enlargement)
Gunnery History
page 5
(click for an enlargement)
Gunnery History
page 6
(click for an enlargement)
Cox'n of Barham's picket boat
(click for an enlargement)

Last Updated: 9 February, 2004.

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