Walter H. Page

Allison Francis Page (1824-1899),
father of Walter H. Page

Catherine Raboteau Page (1831-1897),
mother of Walter H. Page

Walter H. Page in 1876, when he was a Fellow of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

Basil L. Gildersleeve, Professor of Greek,
Johns Hopkins University, 1876-1915

Walter H. Page (1899) from a photograph taken when he was editor of the Atlantic Monthly

Dr. Wallace Buttrick,
President of the General Education Board

Charles D. McIver, of Greensboro, North Carolina, a leader in the cause of Southern Education

Woodrow Wilson in 1912

Walter H. Page, from a photograph taken a few years before he became American Ambassador to Great Britain

The British Foreign Office, Downing Street

No. 6 Grosvenor Square,
the American Embassy under Mr. Page

Irwin Laughlin, Secretary of the American Embassy at London, 1912-1917, Counsellor 1916-1919

Sir Edward Grey

Col. Edward M. House.
From a painting by P. A. Laszlo

The Rt. Hon. Herbert Henry Asquith,
Prime Minister of Great Britain, 1908-1916

Herbert C. Hoover, in 1914

A facsimile page from the Ambassador's letter of November 24, 1916, resigning his Ambassadorship

Walter H. Page, at the time of America's entry into the war, April, 1917

Resolution passed by the two Houses of Parliament, April 18, 1917, on America's entry into the war

The Rt. Hon. David Lloyd George,
Prime Minister of Great Britain, 1916-

The Rt. Hon. Arthur James Balfour (now the Earl of Balfour), Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1916-1919

Lord Robert Cecil, Minister of Blockade, 1916-1918, Assistant Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1918

General John J. Pershing, Commander-in-Chief of the American Expeditionary Force in the Great War

Admiral William Sowden Sims, Commander of American Naval Forces operating in European waters during the Great War

A silver model of the Mayflower, the farewell gift of the Plymouth Council to Mr. Page

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